There are times when I wish some of the manners of historical England transferred over to today. Then maybe people would be nicer to you in retail situations. I helped a guy today you said, "Whats up dog." as greeting to me, and he looked like he was on something. Ugh. Also they seemed to have such spirited witty conversations.
Today I realized why I am really glad that I don't live in that time period, and it isn't even anything obvious such as running water, electricity, or this computer. It is because it was sooo complicated to know what to call people and who was more powerful than who. It was a minefield of social customs. At least today it doesn't matter, I can say Mr. or Mrs. to anyone and not have to worry about how much money they have or how powerful they are. Granted I haven't had the chance to really test it but I'm sure it hold true.
If you want to check out all the strangeness that is the precedence table go to:

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